"There is a great temptation to say that at our level,
the impact we can have is, after all, limited.
However, changes of behavior can easily be made"

- Loïc Bar

On a global scale the last 5 years were the warmest years ever registered
by NASA since 1880.
- Meteo België , 2019/NASA.

At Opinum, we decided to take into account this new parameter:
the carbon footprint of our actions. This must become a reflex, a necessary condition
for the creation of a robust and sustainable economy.


The first method of calculation we used was the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Through that method, the emissions that are produced by a company
can be separated in 3 scopes.

To simplify, Scope 1 and 2 emissions are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are directly emitted by sources owned or controlled by a company,
while Scope 3 emissions are a consequence of the company's activities but come from sources that are not owned or controlled by it (= value chain emissions).

The second method we used is Bilan Carbone ®.
This method helps to identify levers for reducing GHG emissions and make strategic decisions to limit carbon footprint.


Purchases (services & software)

The “Inputs” item covers all flows of materials or services entering the entity.

90 t CO2



Commuting to and from work, business travel within the organization, and visitor travel.

61 t CO2


Fixed assets

This item covers greenhouse gas emissions linked to the manufacture of the organization tangible assets (furniture, IT equipment, vehicles, buildings, etc.).

30 t CO2



Consumption of energy by our product. In our case, the majority of our carbon impact in this item concerns the energy requirement linked to the storage of our product on the cloud.

7 t CO2



Emissions linked to energy consumption of the office.

2 t CO2

How we reduce our Carbon footprint at Opinum

Second hand car

All our company cars are second hand cars.

Business travels

Business travels are done by train when possible instead of planes.


Kilometric allowances are given to employees who use bicycles to come to the office.

Remote work

We established 2/3 days of remote work per week.